Anti Counterfeiting Warning

It has come to our company Milestrong’s attention recently that unscrupulous people have been attempting to mimic our official seal, using the trademark “MileStrong” without our authorization, engaging in deceptive marketing, undertaking unsolicited business contacts, as well as selling fake and shoddy goods. All our customers are advised to be careful while purchasing our products and to visit only our official websites: /

Anti Counterfeiting Warning

In order to protect the legal rights of the company and consumers, and to protect the brand value of “Milestrong”, we hereby make the following disclaimer assertion.

The act of falsifying the company’s official seal is a criminal act and is an offense as per the law and these offenders will be punished accordingly.

The trademarks “Milestrong” and associated trademarks are the property of the company and the brand has been registered. The usage of these marks without permission from the owner, whether by persons or companies, is considered to be infringement.

We have taken cognizance of all forms of infringement including counterfeiting of official seals, trademark infringement, as well as manufacture and sale of counterfeit goods and misleading advertisements and we will prosecute the infringers. 

Our company has set up a dedicated reporting hotline. Individuals who provide effective reporting leads will receive corresponding bonus rewards based on the amount involved after verification.

We highly recommend that everyone checks the details of any of the products to ensure they are purchased from our official channels. For your own protection, please always use our official websites.

We express our gratitude for the support and trust that you, our valued consumers, have given us in the “Milestrong” brand. We will continue to provide excellent products and services. To safeguard Milestrong users, we will make posts on all major platforms to reminder users and file reports against the counterfeiters with the responsible agencies.

Reporting Hotline: +86 138 2728 2423 

Reporting Email: [email protected]

This statement is hereby issued by:

Shenzhen Milestrong Technology Co., Ltd.

February 24, 2025

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